Monday, January 23, 2017

Your Voice

Your Voice 

     This past week, things went down with the new President being officially in office. With the things he chose to do throughout his time of being President claims to be, making America stronger and GREAT again. I think that is awesome. Everyone has their own opinions. Everyone has their own voice. They may tolerate, they may not. They may support, they may not. Everyone has the courage and heart to protest for what is right, they have the right to vote for who they think is right to be elected. It all comes down on everyone having different opinions. 

   For example, I tolerate the new president. I really do. I don't have to support all he is doing. I tolerate that he is our president. Either way there is nothing I can do, but hope for the best and have a voice of encouragement with the women out marching. Praying for their safety, fun, and that they are hydrated through this long march of protesting for rights. I am not judging no one. I am not judging who ever voted who or who. I am not judging. We are all humans, we are all sons and daughters of God. For one, we all just have different opinions and minds. 

  Having your own voice being said, really CAN make a difference. Those women out there protesting for the health and protesting for their rights, are changing others lives. Changing it as it goes worldwide. Those who attended or in support of the president are changing others lives as well. Sharing encouragement to all that he keeps his word and that what he is doing is right. I am not saying who is right and wrong. I am saying that with all this, there is no need to JUDGE others for their own opinions. I see that now. Now as our world changes. Everyone is growing up, kids are learning new things, ears are opened to our surroundings. THE WORLD IS CHANGING, whether anyone likes it or not. It is normal. 

         Speak your voice, be heard. You deserve that. You are important in this world, you matter. Your thoughts, and words count. Your acts of kindness counts. Everything you do, will make a difference. Always remember, everyone has their own OPINIONS. Everyone has a VOICE. Everyone can make a DIFFERENCE! 

Aliana Fisi


See what YOU can do to make a difference in this world. Doing acts of kindness, speaking up, being you. Anything can change. Anytime, Anywhere, ANY WAY! 

Received an e-mail that I have reached my highest views in awhile. Very happy and overjoyed for all of this. Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this. Special thank you to those out of the country, means a lot. Thank you all again, hope you enjoy! 

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