Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Your Lenses

Your Lenses 

         Your lenses are based on what you see, what is important and who you are. What you give to the world to influence, what you do with to overcome the challenges society throws at our faces, and most of all how you use it to influence everyone around you. Your lenses are, what you are in your perspective, and what the world sees you've shared. Lenses are what helps you see the world clearer, what you put on to clear up your vision. Without them, our vision is blurry. with them on, we can see and conquer. Our lenses help us see the purity of the world, see the greatness in life, see the choices and actions we do, see the consequences whether they are bad or good. They help us see the world, and help us conquer.

         My lenses consist of many. Many lenses, many views and many ways to influence. One of my lenses are religion, I get prejudged because of my religion. I get sayings that, I cant date til I am 16 and how much it sucks, it doesn't. I get sayings that I am Holy Holy and if I am touched by a sinner they will burn in my presence. All of these are completely stereotypes people use to get at people and gain others to follow through. In reality, it is only hurting and manipulating others deeply. For me, I don't care what others say but I am happy that I am a Mormon no matter what others say. I have been getting myself to overcome more and more as I grow, overcoming the negativity towards it and telling myself more of the fact that I am a daughter of God no matter what, he loves me and all of you unconditionally. He adores everything we strive our hardest in good, he forgives when we ask when we make mistakes. He knows all and knows our plan, he wants us to live and do as much. According to myself, without my religion, I wouldn't have standards set or wouldn't have the mind set to make goals and have my standard walls built high enough and my foundation strong enough so that nothing may tremble me. Nothing but the warm feeling in my heart, when I do good in the world.

          Another lens is, Family. Being blessed with such amazing family and love from them and
others makes my heart warm. It sets great examples, not to just me but to my siblings and all. It gives off that RIPPLE effect. I have became the positive, loving person I am today because of my family, because of my leaders, teachers, friends, people I look up to and more. I consider all that under family. They shown me the love and good in the world, turning negativity into positive. Looking more and more, I finally know many ways to obtain the ability to share the ripple effect. It was this blog. A blog where I can share all these, a blog where I can share how amazing and inspired I am in my life.

     Last lens for here, my personality. This is very important to me because, I take my personality very serious like it is gold. It is to me. Who I am, is what is dear to me. I don't have to be anyone else, or be normal, or be quiet. I can be the weird, outgoing, musical, loving, positive person I am without any shame. Without having to deal with what others think. Who I am, is what I became and yet to become. Who I am is what I do, and yet to do. This is all because, I am experiencing and conquering things on my own or because I am being inspired by those I dearly look up to.

      Lenses are you. Lenses are what you keep dear, what is everything to you. Ever wonder how others see the world differently? It is because we all wear different ones, we may have similarities but that is normal. Take it as seeing through the eye glasses. Putting your own on, makes it clear for you vision. Putting someone else lenses on, makes it harder for your vision to identify the image. Everyone sees everything differently. That is the point, others have different lenses may be similar but everyone has different personality and interests. Still, we are all humans, we are all breathing and can act as one. Just keep in mind, we are all different in many ways, there is nothing bad, or wrong about it. You are you. I am me. He is he. she is she. They are them. We are we. We all have different lenses, take a look and see.

This is all inspired by my English teacher Mrs.Reed.

Aliana Fisi

I can do all things, through him who gives me strength. 


Identify your lenses, see what is important to you. What have you been prejudged on? How can you influence others with that? How did you become you? Think, jot, share if liked to. XOXO! 

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