Tuesday, September 12, 2017

                                            A Bite of the Scriptures 

              As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I personally have been going to church every Sunday and thought that was all I needed to do to feel the spirit, grow my testimony, and receive blessings, but that was only one of the many.

              Instead, I was not getting many blessings nor growing knowledge of the scriptures because I lacked in going to Seminary and one of the curriculum is to read the scriptures and mark what you have read and daily readings. I lacked in doing so, I know now that I was lacking in school, due to lacking in not only seminary but the scriptures. I tried to go to seminary, but I was not trying hard enough. There was always an excuse that emerged into my head so I wouldn't go, that was bad!

             Looking back into those days, I should have went to Seminary. I should have read my scriptures and done more to make sure that I had enough credits for that awarding certificate.

            Now, let me tell you a moment I recently had with the Book of Mormon that has changed my life and will continue to change my life. I was sitting in my room just doing daily homework and listening to radio. I changed the channel to Christian radio, due to the music nowadays that talk about uncomfortable topics that do not fit my standards. I listened to how amazing and loving it sounded and decided to listen to some Hymn music from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, they are amazing and just the second they sang, I'll go where you want me to go, I felt the prompting to do what the Lord would want me to do, go, read, say and hear. I immediately knew, the Holy Ghost that I was confirmed and given when I was eight, told me to pick up my scriptures and read. I went for the search of my scriptures probably covered in dust. I found it and opened it reading 1 Nephi chapter 1, than 2, than 3, etc. I could not help but continue as my eyes were covered in tears of happiness and pure joy. The hardship Lehi has done to warn the people of Jerusalem to leave and repent, for Jerusalem will be destroyed because of the wickedness that lurked through every seep. They dare not listen to him and only mocked them. I felt so overwhelmed and grateful that Lehi and Nephi were so righteous and listened to the Lord's command no matter how hard it was. I cried for about three hours so overwhelmed with the spirit. I was too happy that I texted my best friends, friends, and one of my previous young woman leader from my previous ward. One of my best friends responded, "You have partook of the fruit." I immediately could not stop myself from crying happy tears.

           My testimony in the scriptures went from, "I believe..." to "I know.." that the scriptures are true as I read, pondered and prayed about it. This gospel and Scriptures have brought joy to my life and made me grow closer to my Heavenly Father. I encourage you, if you are lacking in scripture readings or would like to read the Book of Mormon, to go for it. In the end, you will be happy and let me tell you this, that bite was the sweetest, most joyous taste I have ever felt.


Aliana Fisi


"The tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen." 1 Nephi 1:20

Monday, March 20, 2017

Blink Less, Cherish More

      Blink less, Cherish More, what in the world do I mean? 
Well, do not let the days pass by as you sit and just wait for the next day slothfully enduring nothing, get up and endure, cherish, find something good to do.  It can mean different things to others. Not everyone's brain is thinking the same. In this matter, my perspective, I think as of coming from my thoughts, do not let yourself let things pass by. Take action, do something and take a challenge. Do not let a minute go by, with you sitting down regretting the things you did not take action in. 

      I have took this time to ask a couple of people, close or not, about this topic, of course with permission to blog their stories and reveal their name, what this short fragment means to them. Their answers seem to connect in different perspectives, you can be able to see it in different ways. 

Interesting: I saw this television show that I have been completely obsessed with since episode one, they had an episode recently about the daughter going to a therapist due to previous happenings. Her mothers were invited, and they came to her therapy session. The therapist lays a card, it had a 3 on it. Each person was seated on different sides of this table, and the therapist asked them to share what they see. One said a 3, the other a E, the other a M  and the next a W. This was used to teach that everything is viewed different. 

Along with my English teacher, she described how everything is viewed different as well. She explained how everyone has their own lenses for on how they see certain things, what is important to them and what they have. 

In a mother perspective Kids grow up, even I cannot believe that I am a sophomore and only have 2 years of high school and I graduate and be lead to greater things. Hearing stories of mothers, who watch their kids grow. It all just comes to growing is greatly faster then you will ever know.

    Story number one comes from a lady, I have known for a couple years and her name is Heather. She dealt with my stubborn attitudes and keeps on being there for me to talk to and all. I have asked her, "To you, what does 'Blink Less, Cherish More' mean?" She simply responded, "To cherish life, Love life, and not take life for granted." How amazing is that? I asked her more than that, I asked, "What are you cherishing more now, that was set aside in your 'blink trance'?" She responded, "Spending quality time with my family." I think, in my opinion is a big one for me. I was busy about growing that I just did not pay attention to the fact that I was not paying more attention to what is in front of me, but more of what I want and should not be caring about at the moment. Being interested and wanting to know more, I asked her a personal question that I asked all of my friends that I asked about this wonderful topic and that was, "Do you ever have moments where you think back to a time in your life and wished you cherished more of something then just 'blinking' past through it?" I did not expect anyone to actually be one with me on this question, but she came through. She responded, "I do. That is one reason why I am super close to my family, then when I was not." Thinking about that, I can relate depending on the situations. I can relate with my own family, I tend to like to be in my room and caught up on getting over with the day and wanting to move out, but when I actually see it, I do not want to grow up extremely fast, I want to be little and do things with my family, I want to cherish every moment I absolutely have with them. So, Heather hit a great sport in that perspective of this. 

   Another person is someone from my school. She is benevolently, amazing and has a kind heart. . I asked her, "To you, what does "Blink Less, Cherish More." mean to you?" She responded, "I guess, I would interpret it blink less as keep your eyes open to the good things in your life. Cherish more as be more grateful and caring for those things." Wow, she brought the main point as gratitude. Not putting 'blink' into a con section but a both way. She is putting it in together, like you can not play one part and not think about the other. It is a two-way street. I asked her, "What do you do now that you cherish more than ever?" She responded, "Let the people you cherish know you appreciate them and the things they do for you, and try to reciprocate their actions towards you." BAM! I mean, She clearly has nailed her perspective of it, adding that you can turn ones action when you let them know how much you are thankful and how much you cherish them. How supportive is Kate Richter? Amazing. With her permission, she let me share this wonderful part to you all. 

Last responsive discussion I will share is one of a kind Erica Killian. She is a lovely lady, super nice and I met her on twitter. Due to me living in Alaska, she realized and caught it, letting me know she will be moving to this full of nature, wonderful state. With her happiness and love for challenges, I decided to ask her. I asked her the same question, "To you, what does 'Blink Less, Cherish More' mean?" She responded, "Look at the only big things in life, but also the small things too. Don't miss a second, because you will never get it back. Life is so precious. Nobody knows how long we each have here on earth. Hold on to everything you have and don't regret anything. The world can be so cruel, yet manage to be very beautiful too." How amazing is that? Do not live life with regrets, live it with happiness, emotions, memories. Cherish every second you have, keep your eyes open to the not only the big things, as we are taught to do so, but the small things too. They absolutely matter. I asked her, "What do now cherish more in life?" She responded, "Try to be more positive. Stop worrying about loosing weight, or cleaning your house. There are more things more important then those tiny stressful problems. I now focus more on loving all of the people in my life, no matter what. I am more focused on just being happy. That is all I want in life right now." WOW, was all I could think. Not only did she talk about what she cherish but she also mentioned the fact that everyone is caught up on worrying about appearances and the way society wants you to be more then what you truly want yourself to be. She also taught me to turn negativity to positive. I love being positive and thinking funny and happy thoughts better, it gives me energy and strength. I asked her, "Do you think back to a time where you 'blinked' and wished you cherished a memory then?" She responded, "Yes, definitely. Quite a few times actually. I think back to my High School years where I had no one to talk to. I was alone, I think I wasted most of the times feeling sorry for myself and not just putting myself out there and make a friend. If I could go back and redo it, I really would. Maybe then I wouldn't feel like I do not belong on this earth, you know? I do have those thoughts, but I do have friends I talk to when I have those feelings. I am not alone anymore." Literally, brought me to tears. How she struggled and was caught up in just getting things done and in her 'blink trance' she didn't focus more on making friends she can relate to, she regrets it. She became who she is today because of who she was before. Very inspiring and with her permission also, I was able to share. 

How amazing is this, these friends of mine, just very truly inspirational. Everyone has a 'blink trance'. Practice on how to come out of it, how to overcome and change. Cherish more now before it is too late. I do believe you can do it. Blink less, Cherish more. Time is ticking. 
Aliana Fisi 

p.s to the amazing ladies, thank you for letting me share your thoughtful responses and love. Very inspiring, I absolutely and grateful to have such wonderful people I call my friends in my life. My heart is overwhelmed. 


Find something you less cherish before, and start to work on cherishing it now. Whether it is people, goals, etc. Work on it, great benefits will start to expose. 

Monday, January 23, 2017

Your Voice

Your Voice 

     This past week, things went down with the new President being officially in office. With the things he chose to do throughout his time of being President claims to be, making America stronger and GREAT again. I think that is awesome. Everyone has their own opinions. Everyone has their own voice. They may tolerate, they may not. They may support, they may not. Everyone has the courage and heart to protest for what is right, they have the right to vote for who they think is right to be elected. It all comes down on everyone having different opinions. 

   For example, I tolerate the new president. I really do. I don't have to support all he is doing. I tolerate that he is our president. Either way there is nothing I can do, but hope for the best and have a voice of encouragement with the women out marching. Praying for their safety, fun, and that they are hydrated through this long march of protesting for rights. I am not judging no one. I am not judging who ever voted who or who. I am not judging. We are all humans, we are all sons and daughters of God. For one, we all just have different opinions and minds. 

  Having your own voice being said, really CAN make a difference. Those women out there protesting for the health and protesting for their rights, are changing others lives. Changing it as it goes worldwide. Those who attended or in support of the president are changing others lives as well. Sharing encouragement to all that he keeps his word and that what he is doing is right. I am not saying who is right and wrong. I am saying that with all this, there is no need to JUDGE others for their own opinions. I see that now. Now as our world changes. Everyone is growing up, kids are learning new things, ears are opened to our surroundings. THE WORLD IS CHANGING, whether anyone likes it or not. It is normal. 

         Speak your voice, be heard. You deserve that. You are important in this world, you matter. Your thoughts, and words count. Your acts of kindness counts. Everything you do, will make a difference. Always remember, everyone has their own OPINIONS. Everyone has a VOICE. Everyone can make a DIFFERENCE! 

Aliana Fisi


See what YOU can do to make a difference in this world. Doing acts of kindness, speaking up, being you. Anything can change. Anytime, Anywhere, ANY WAY! 

Received an e-mail that I have reached my highest views in awhile. Very happy and overjoyed for all of this. Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this. Special thank you to those out of the country, means a lot. Thank you all again, hope you enjoy! 

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Your Lenses

Your Lenses 

         Your lenses are based on what you see, what is important and who you are. What you give to the world to influence, what you do with to overcome the challenges society throws at our faces, and most of all how you use it to influence everyone around you. Your lenses are, what you are in your perspective, and what the world sees you've shared. Lenses are what helps you see the world clearer, what you put on to clear up your vision. Without them, our vision is blurry. with them on, we can see and conquer. Our lenses help us see the purity of the world, see the greatness in life, see the choices and actions we do, see the consequences whether they are bad or good. They help us see the world, and help us conquer.

         My lenses consist of many. Many lenses, many views and many ways to influence. One of my lenses are religion, I get prejudged because of my religion. I get sayings that, I cant date til I am 16 and how much it sucks, it doesn't. I get sayings that I am Holy Holy and if I am touched by a sinner they will burn in my presence. All of these are completely stereotypes people use to get at people and gain others to follow through. In reality, it is only hurting and manipulating others deeply. For me, I don't care what others say but I am happy that I am a Mormon no matter what others say. I have been getting myself to overcome more and more as I grow, overcoming the negativity towards it and telling myself more of the fact that I am a daughter of God no matter what, he loves me and all of you unconditionally. He adores everything we strive our hardest in good, he forgives when we ask when we make mistakes. He knows all and knows our plan, he wants us to live and do as much. According to myself, without my religion, I wouldn't have standards set or wouldn't have the mind set to make goals and have my standard walls built high enough and my foundation strong enough so that nothing may tremble me. Nothing but the warm feeling in my heart, when I do good in the world.

          Another lens is, Family. Being blessed with such amazing family and love from them and
others makes my heart warm. It sets great examples, not to just me but to my siblings and all. It gives off that RIPPLE effect. I have became the positive, loving person I am today because of my family, because of my leaders, teachers, friends, people I look up to and more. I consider all that under family. They shown me the love and good in the world, turning negativity into positive. Looking more and more, I finally know many ways to obtain the ability to share the ripple effect. It was this blog. A blog where I can share all these, a blog where I can share how amazing and inspired I am in my life.

     Last lens for here, my personality. This is very important to me because, I take my personality very serious like it is gold. It is to me. Who I am, is what is dear to me. I don't have to be anyone else, or be normal, or be quiet. I can be the weird, outgoing, musical, loving, positive person I am without any shame. Without having to deal with what others think. Who I am, is what I became and yet to become. Who I am is what I do, and yet to do. This is all because, I am experiencing and conquering things on my own or because I am being inspired by those I dearly look up to.

      Lenses are you. Lenses are what you keep dear, what is everything to you. Ever wonder how others see the world differently? It is because we all wear different ones, we may have similarities but that is normal. Take it as seeing through the eye glasses. Putting your own on, makes it clear for you vision. Putting someone else lenses on, makes it harder for your vision to identify the image. Everyone sees everything differently. That is the point, others have different lenses may be similar but everyone has different personality and interests. Still, we are all humans, we are all breathing and can act as one. Just keep in mind, we are all different in many ways, there is nothing bad, or wrong about it. You are you. I am me. He is he. she is she. They are them. We are we. We all have different lenses, take a look and see.

This is all inspired by my English teacher Mrs.Reed.

Aliana Fisi

I can do all things, through him who gives me strength. 


Identify your lenses, see what is important to you. What have you been prejudged on? How can you influence others with that? How did you become you? Think, jot, share if liked to. XOXO! 

Monday, January 2, 2017

New Year, New Start

New Year, New Start 

      December 31st, we did reviews of 2016. How great memories were created. Along with that, we enjoyed ourselves with some S'mores and a dance party. Every hour we would light up a firework. Playing music and enjoying our time together for the last day of 2016. We had a blast making laughs and taking photos for memories. 

         10:00 pm, phones were dying, people frost forming, temperatures dropping, and sparklers were lit. waving around these wonderful sparklers, we took many photos and enjoyed more dancing and music. 

          11;00 pm, we were inside having a snack to eat and warming up before bringing in the new years. We went on our phones and took more selfies, we charged them of course for the amazing fireworks and making more memories. 

          11:45 pm, we lit the smoke grenades outside while we were shaking in freezing air. It was pretty terrible of a weather but it was better than raining or a snow storm so we were very greatful. 

        11:50 pm, we finished the fireworks for our early celebration. We are a big mormon family, New Years was on a sunday so we had to finish the fireworks early. Screaming in celebration after it was done, we headed inside getting out blue solo cups of Welch's cider to cheers and drinks to the new year. We sat waiting for the countdown to begin so we can join in. 










everyone SHOUTED



     12;00 am, new day, new year, new start. We clanked our cups and drank hugging and tears of joy in this celebration. Another year all together and many more to come. 

          New years, new EVERYTHING. 

I decided this year I would do a New Year resolution. 
-work on mt weakness 
-see the positivity in things 
- gratitude towards the things I have 
- do projects and help out 

and the list goes on....

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, and a happy new year! 


I challenge you to have a resolution. create a goal each day. do something new. Work  on something new. 


Bailee Madison is starting a project called #IAm . On any social media, typing the hashtag and saying something positive about yourself. for example; #IAm Loving 
If you'd love, make a video of your paper and then send it to IAmsubmissionBM@Gmail.com she has a great project coming up with all the videos. Join in! 

My VLogg will be up soon. Creating a YouTube channel for my family. Much love from Us to you ALL! 


Aliana Fisi