First Day of School
August 22, 2016
At exactly, 7:15 a.m School began for the teens, pre-teens, and children of Anchorage, Alaska. The excitement and joy was indescribable. The fact school was starting made, new comer 7th graders anxious, and new comer Freshmen's a bit out of control. The fact for myself, Aliana Fisi returning to High School for my Sophomore year. With everyone's mind still drowned in a glass of summer orange juice, we tried our hardest to put some excitement in it all at least. Not much was to be excited about but much was to be learned throughout the year. The complaints constantly said around the school will tend to put students down, but the reason for going to school is being able to learn about education. Sharing your skills, being able to meet new people, make goals and work our clothed behinds to achieve it.
As the years go by, some of the students tend to loose their selves with temptations and wrong doings of others. In school, for me actually, I set my goal in June, then evaluated on it with my newly schedule now. Some of the goals were;
1. Keep high standards
2. Confidence
3. Share examples
4. Focus on school work and not surroundings (unless help needed)
5. Try to avoid being in cliques or in groups that won't encourage you to try your best
6. Take all opportunities!
Those goals tend to have a lot of value. There's never a time where I do not set goal about myself. Setting goals for myself lets me know that I have a crown I want to achieve, also motivates me to work harder in all my classes. The school year is where everyone tends to have their goals set, then as the school year trails along, the goal setting starts to suffer into the muds of the unthinkable. The unthinkable is where teens tend to store mind setting thoughts into, like garbage. It's a garbage for "rubish" thoughts.
If your mind is set to good things, you are doing as much as you could to achieve it, do not stop. If your mind isn't, really think about it. You will never know what wonders it can bring to your life. This school year will go by great, just put your mind to it, and really think about the why you are really going to school and how it can help you in the near future.
With great remarks,
Aliana Fisi
These are great goals Ali! Here's to many more happy blogging moments!